Img – glhsfridayfocus.blogspot.com/
If you teach an academic class or know someone who does, you may have heard the term “flipped class.” If not, here it is in a nutshell: in a traditional class, the teacher delivers a lecture or lesson and then assigns homework to reinforce the lesson. In a flipped class, the teacher provides their students with an interactive learning module (what they would traditionally do in-class) ahead of time. That way, class time can be used for student questions and teacher guidance.But…a music class?
As a music teacher, you don’t really lecture (as much..hopefully?). But imagine if you recorded your lessons and distributed them via YouTube or Vimeo ahead of class. The students could watch the videos and come to class ready with individual goals to share and things they need your help with. Check out this graphic to explain what happens before, during and after class (just replace their pencils with guitars): http://ctl.utexas.edu/sites/default/files/What%20is%20flipped_comparison%20table%20pics%20text.pdf
The Good
• Some students are better able to concentrate at home
• Students can rewind your lesson as many times as they need to if they miss something or need the extra practice
• Students who are struggling can use your video lessons for future reference again and again
• Class time will be more student-focused
• Students will be more likely to be proactive in class
The Bad
• Some students might be less able to concentrate at home (family, friends and Internet distractions, etc.)
• Some of your students might not have instruments at home
• Getting your lessons will depend on your students’ ability to have an Internet connection
• Recording your own lessons will be your homework; for better or worse!
So…is a flipped music class for you and your students? The only way to know is to try it out. The proof will be in the music.