Suggestions for Sub-Plans

Suggestions for sub-plans? Plans for substitutes are tricky in a guitar class. I never had the kids get the guitars out on those days. They most often did worksheets related to the guitar. Several of the textbooks include a teacher manual, and there are great...

A Personal Approach to Guitar Education

  A Personal Approach to Guitar Education, By Bob Morris It is often difficult to convince school administrators and some teachers that guitar can be effectively taught in a classroom setting. They often have of a vision of disorganization with a cacophony of...

How to Do Assessments

How do you do assessments….especially in classes of 30 – 40? When I was teaching at Ernest Becker Middle School in Las Vegas in 1996-2002, I had many of the same questions. In large classes, it is difficult to do assessment unless you have a plan. In my...
What I Have Learned #1

What I Have Learned #1

What I Have Learned About Teaching Beginning Guitar in the Classroom by Bill Swick Lesson 1 The more students there are in the class, the slower the pace, the more times it is necessary to repeat things, and modeling and classroom practice become of the utmost...
Teaching Tuning

Teaching Tuning

Tuner or not, students must listen. How do you teach pitch perception? This is definitely one of the most challenging things to teach…and learn! In my rookie days , I felt teaching tuning was the primary objective, but I soon realized that not everyone is ready...