by Glen McCarthy | Nov 17, 2013 | Classroom, Education, News, Tips + Tricks
Most guitar students have not belonged to anything bigger than themselves until guitar class. Few guitar students have the experience of being on a football team, being in scouts, etc. The guitar class is often the first exposure to teamwork and belonging to something...
by Glen McCarthy | Nov 17, 2013 | Classroom, Education, Principles, Tips + Tricks
Guitar Class Assessment by Jerry Snyder I have found that the following individual testing method worked very well in the Guitar Class. The student starts with 30 points. Points are then deducted in the six categories; each category is worth 5 points. At the end of...
by Glen McCarthy | Nov 10, 2013 | Classroom, Education, Principles, Tips + Tricks
How Do You Play Staccato on the Guitar? Relieve the pressure in the left hand after playing the note, or stop the string with i or m in the right hand (or the pick) or both : ) [social_button button=”facebook”...
by Glen McCarthy | Nov 10, 2013 | Classroom, Education, Principles, Tips + Tricks
During that first month of classes, your students’ fingertips might get tender. Here’s an activity that you can do while you rest their fingers. Pose these questions and have the students answer as one student records the answers on the board: 1. Where can...
by Glen McCarthy | Nov 3, 2013 | Classroom, Education, Principles, Tips + Tricks
How do you motivate students whose eyes wander? 1. If your students keep looking at their fingers and lose their place in the music, and then give up on reading place the music stand along the sight range of your guitar neck. You can also project the music on the...
by Glen McCarthy | Nov 3, 2013 | Classroom, Education, Principles, Tips + Tricks
What are some good warm-ups? A good warm up for linear movement is the block approach 1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1 in a position on every string or on one string shifting to all positions. I like the l.h. pattern 1234,4321,1434,2434, because it gives extra attention to the 4th...