Suggestions for Sub-Plans

Suggestions for sub-plans? Plans for substitutes are tricky in a guitar class. I never had the kids get the guitars out on those days. They most often did worksheets related to the guitar. Several of the textbooks include a teacher manual, and there are great...

A Personal Approach to Guitar Education

  A Personal Approach to Guitar Education, By Bob Morris It is often difficult to convince school administrators and some teachers that guitar can be effectively taught in a classroom setting. They often have of a vision of disorganization with a cacophony of...

How to Do Assessments

How do you do assessments….especially in classes of 30 – 40? When I was teaching at Ernest Becker Middle School in Las Vegas in 1996-2002, I had many of the same questions. In large classes, it is difficult to do assessment unless you have a plan. In my...