Guitar Fingers

In the course of becoming musicians, we develop “fingers that play.” There are guitar (fretboard or string) fingers, keyboard fingers, woodwind fingers, brass fingers, and percussion fingers. Students who develop “fingers that play” have opened a lifelong doorway to...

Keep a Nail Clipper

Keep a nail clipper in your guitar case, it is impossible to get a good tone if the left hand nails are not kept short. When you evaluate a student’s tone, observe the left hand nail length, and make sure a nail clipper is available for students to use in the class if...
Drum Machines for the Classroom Guitar Program

The Desire for Mastery

Once a student discovers the “desire for mastery”, s/he is hooked. Students can discover the desire for mastery by attempting to play the simplest melodies. One of my most interesting observations came from teaching students who attend a behavior school. These...